If your school board would like to join the coalition to oppose unfunded mandates for public schools all you have to do is pass a resolution at your next board meeting. Email a copy of the passed resolutions to: waschoolcoalition@yahoo.com
Example of language you can use:
WHEREAS, too often state legislation is adopted directing school district expenditures without providing necessary, full, or required state revenue (Unfunded Mandates). These unfunded mandates create a hardship for school districts: impacting service to students, taking time and money from classrooms, and requiring use of levy dollars which is not an equitable source of funding.; and
WHEREAS, RCW 43.135.060 prohibits new or extended programs without full reimbursement;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board of Directors of the ______ School District joins the Coalition Against Unfunded Public-School Mandates which has been formed solely to oppose unfunded mandates before the legislature and/or other government entities.
Adopted this ___ day of ____ 2025.